Sumba Island, Indonesia

Enjoy bird watching tour in Langgaliru, Sumba Island

Located in central Sumba Island, Langgaliru village is part of Manupeu Tanah Daru National Park and an ideal spot for bird watching lovers. With unlimited trees and greenery surrounding, you will have a great chance to witness many endemic Sumbanese species, such as: Sumba Hornbill, Sumba Green Pigeon, Orange crested cockatoo, Sumba Myzomela, and more. The deeper you go into the forest the clearer you can hear the birds sing.

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Lesser Sunda Island Discovery Combine with Birding Tour

Bali Island → Sumba Island → Waikabubak → Waingapu → Flores Island → Kupang → Komodo Island
Indonesia Indonesia

Have great chances to encounter quality birds at many birding sites: Langgaliru, Noelbaki, Ponco Denki, Golo Lusang, Puarlolo, Potawangka

Learn about Sumbanese culture while visiting traditional villages: PraiIjing, Tarong and Waitabar

See beautiful panorama views of Lapopu Waterfall

Take a walk along the white yellowish sandy shore of Marosi Beach

Meet the King of Boti and his people to gain insights into the most authentic traditional village in Timor

Explore the traditional houses of Lio people at Wologai and Koanara traditional villages

Admire the beautiful sunrise over Mount Kelimutu and its three colored lakes

Collect the colorful blue stones from unique Penggajawa Beach

Feel the fresh atmosphere while walking around Ranamese Lake

Visit Ruteng Pu’u traditional village to learn their tradition and way of life around the compang

Cruise to Komodo Island, Rinca Island, and Kalong Island to observe the Komodo dragons and other wild animals

Hop on a boat trip to Lembongan Island to snorkel and see vivid reefs

Bali Island → Sumba Island → Waikabubak → Waingapu → Flores Island → Kupang → Komodo Island

Other Experiences in Sumba Island, Indonesia

Sumba Island
Sumba Island

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