Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Museum Batik Yogyakarta

Supporting the preservation of authentic batik, Museum Batik Yogyakarta is an interesting tourist attraction to learn about batik, the classic Javanese art and the most favorite textile in Java. Established in 1977 by Hadi Nugroho household, the museum stores more than 1,200 batik collections, including pieces of batik cloth and equipment of making batik. The collections are not just derived from Yogyakarta, but also from Solo and coastal areas. Here you will be explained about the difference in colors and patterns of batik from various regions.

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Batik Javanese Experience

Yogyakarta → Surakarta → Yogyakarta
Indonesia Indonesia

Learn about antique batiks from different eras in the Danar Hadi Antique Batik Museum

Visit Kampung Batik Laweyan, a famous and age-old batik village in Solo city

Explore Indonesia’s majestic UNESCO-listed sites: Prambanan Temple and Borobudur Temple

See how Batik Yogyakarta is different from Batik Solo at Museum Batik Yogyakarta

Create your personalized batik at Winotosastro Batik Factory

Go for a souvenir hunt at Beringharjo Market and Malioboro Street

Get a glimpse of local life in Candirejo village with a horse cart/ bike ride

Yogyakarta → Surakarta → Yogyakarta

Other Experiences in Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Yogyakarta, Java Island

Indonesian Batik technique

Designated as a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage since 2009, Batik has become more popular in the world as an art and part of an ancient tradition in Indonesia. To make a batik, the artisans draw...

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Yogyakarta, Java Island

Winotosastro Batik Factory

If you desire a fantastic hands-on experience of batik rather than seeing its collections and information, Winotosastro Batik Factory is certainly the place to be in the city of Yogyakarta. This...

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Yogyakarta, Java Island
Yogyakarta, Java Island
Yogyakarta, Java Island
Yogyakarta, Java Island

Plaosan Temple

Located about a kilometer to the northwest of the Prambanan temple, Plaosan is indeed a beautiful ancient temple complex with a perfect blend of Hindu and Buddhist structure. It is made up of 174...

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